Write On magazine is full of poems and stories by young writers aged 6–18. It’s a great read, a superb resource for teachers and a welcome addition to any school, community or family library.
Write On is the longest-running literary journal of writing by and for young people in Ä€otearoa New Zealand. We celebrate children’s writing and provide an opportunity for publication. The magazine is published twice yearly, in June and December.
and single copy orders
2025 subscriptions to WRITE ON Magazine are now available at the following annual rates. Prices given are exclusive of GST.
Single copy each of Issue 64 and 65: $18.00
Class sets of 10 copies each of Issue 64 and 65: $160.00
Class sets of 30 copies each of Issue 64 and 65: $420.00
Issue 62 and 63 can now be ordered singly for $9.00 a copy.
Previous ISSUES ( supply is limited)
Issues 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 and 61 are now all $5.00 a copy (or less for sets)

* postage and packaging costs apply.
submissions for Issue 64 ARE NOW OPEN - Click the yellow box below
DEADLINE April 11th 2025
Are you aged 6 to 18? We look forward to submissions of your writing. Please ensure you present your work in its best form; redrafting and polishing are key parts of the process for every writer.
Word Limit: poems should be no more than 32 lines- we also love short poems!
Most of the pieces we publish are 100-400 words long. We only occasionally publish longer pieces up to about 1000 words.
Use a simple font in size 12 or 14
No pictures, please.
Include your full name, year level, school, postal address and title of your work on your submission in a .doc or .pdf file
Please don’t send your writing to another publication or competition until after May 2025.
If your work is selected for publication we may make small edits
If your work is selected for publication we will notify you in November, invite you to a launch and/or post you a free copy of the magazine.
queries to writeonmagazine@gmail.com