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Read Respond Review

We are really excited to be about to launch the new reviews section of our blog. Many of our young writers are also readers and a great deal of class chat time is spent in discussing favourite books. Someone once suggested we should set up a sister school called Read On School for Young Readers.

We know that reading and writing often go hand in hand so we are thrilled to have established a strong partnership with Telling Tales- Scorpio Bookshop's brand new store for young readers.

Today we held our first book review masterclass with Desna Wallace ( librarian, author, tutor and book reviewer) guiding the process.

Important point number 1: No Spoilers!

The wonderful team at Telling Tales welcomed us in and the students spent time reconnecting with old book friends and leaving recommendations for people visiting the shop. Each student left clutching a book on the promise that they will submit a review.

Back at TÅ«ranga ( more books!) we spent time reading, responding and beginning the review process. We hope to share the reviews with you very soon.

(c) Write On 2021


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