After a hot summer running around outside (or soaking up the sweet wifi underneath the AC inside of the house), it's now time to hit the books again.
Learning new things can be fun, but trying to get back into it after days spent lounging around can be, frankly, draining. Your heads might be filled with words and stories, but by the time you hit the page, you're coming up blank.
If that sounds like you, don't worry. It happens to every writer at some point! So have no fear!
Here's a list of ways to stay inspired and writing, even when you're back in the real world.
You never know when inspiration might strike! Maybe you're on a walk, or you're helping mum put the groceries away, and BAM! A wonderful, original line hits you. Also, the act of writing words down on paper has a distinctly magical feeling to it, don't you think?
Alternatively, if you can't be bothered with carrying around a phone, if you happen to have a phone, the Notes option can be really useful.
What? You're saying as you read this. Schedule in a time? How unromantic! Isn't that the opposite of creativity?
Alas, my friend. Setting aside some time every week, or even every day, where you don't have to focus on anything else but writing is actually very freeing. That way, you don't have to fuss and force yourself to find time to write beautiful prose. While learning this habit, your brain will train itself to switch into "writing mode" every time you sit down at the same time to work.
For our students that work with us at Write On — School for Young Writers, they have a place where this is facilitated for them. Whether it's our after school workshops or our Saturday classes, we can help you train your brain to get writing!
One of the most famous writers alive today, Stephen King, once said, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”
Time and time again, this advice rings true. Reading things you enjoy is not only exciting but it is perfect for your own writing goals. Seeing what people are writing and can do with words is the perfect motivator for your own work.
Not only that, but your brain processes a lot of information subconsciously, or without you realising it. It learns the "boring" stuff—grammar, sentence structure, flow—through story, and that will make your own writing so much better.
Incorporating these habits into your everyday life will set you up for years to come, so you can keep writing and writing to your heart's content.