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Desna's Prompt- Going on a Bear Hunt

Our wonderful tutor, Desna Wallace ( School Journal contributor and author of Canterbury Quake) , has spotted all of the bears appearing around her neighbourhood and that prompted this prompt. And this one comes with a prize! Desna has a copy of Canterbury Quake to send out as a prize for the story or poem that catches her eye!

Going on a Bear Hunt

At the moment many homes in NZ are putting bears in their windows to brighten people’s days. I have bears in my window and I went for a walk today and saw quite a few and it did make me smile.

Check out the book Going On a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen here:

Yes, the original book was written for younger kids but play the video clip and think about the rhythm, how the words and repetition add to the whole package.

Your Challenge

Select a favourite bear or soft toy and send them out on a story walk/ adventure. This could be through your local area, or perhaps you might want to take them on a walk through Hogwarts Castle, or District 12 or any other book you like.

As you write think about the rhythm and repetition that Michael Rosen uses.

You can make it silly, scary, whatever you choose.

Extra Challenges for the brave

Play around with sounds such as onomatopoeia or alliteration

Refocus on hunting for something else- maybe Going on a Dragon Hunt

Have fun and be creative.


Send your writing to before April 8th to be in for the prize :)

Desna's book Canterbury Quake ( Scholastic NZ) has recently been reprinted.

Copyright 2020: Write On School for Young Writers and Desna Wallace.


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