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More Moments and Milestones : Found Poems

During the Christchurch Heritage Festival in October, we ran three masterclasses exploring both the heritage of inner city Ōtautahi Christchurch and ways in which we can write about the ideas in our heads.

Our young writers collected words from signs, plaques and poems etched on footpaths. Back at Tūranga they worked collaboratively to form new meaning from their found words, making decisions about order and shape and form. It was great fun playing with words in this way.

Here is the second set of two, in which Ice cream Charlie makes a couple of appearances.

May by Rose and Kate

A city's pride and joy,

the weeping willows

of echoing Westminster,

died when everything

was coloured white

when the statue was first laid out

and Victoria Square adopted the lantern ceremony

At the end it was born

a place for the people

after being damaged

when everything was coloured white.

Victory is a masked artist by Vesper and Katie

Children pray for lost secrets

evolving with the times

The white walls to heaven

froze a stopped clock

Nobody is coming to save us

Death won an historic victory

The land

the sky

the ice

and the horizon

The Old TOwn by Morgan and Arabella

The name of Victoria Square was

adopted in spirit and forceful character.

The rails below had seen many

journeys and were ready

for retirement.

Regret evolved as the

character of Victoria Square

changed with time.

The bridge rusted

beyond repair.

What FLavour will you choose? by Tilly and Zoe

Every dish has a story

Charlie's vanilla ice cream

Explore a place for the people

Extreme care!

I do not regret this journey.


The Antarctic Gateway by Rhys, Oliver and Joe

A place

for the people

evolving with the times

Unworn age lies

how shallow

from a stopped clock,

their own surprise.

I do not regret this journey

to the Antarctic Gateway

History Quarried by Isabelle, Charlotte, Jess and Rayana

Strong. Safe. Secure.

Trees were planted

the weeping willows of Christchurch

founders of Canterbury

The river

Summer's Avon spelt

a great fortitude

as ever in the past

The Bridge of Remembrance

and buildings of heritage value—

oh, how much history was quarried

But yet

I do not regret

Work safe

Home safe

Look out for trams!

Charlie's Ice cream by Emmi and Isabel

Children of those who suffered

from Charlie's ice cream

evolved with the times

to telephone Captain Robert Falcon Scott

November 1898.

"I do not regret this journey

to commemorate

potatoes wheat and pigs."

Read the other found poems here.

Thank you to our young writers and to our supporters, The Christchurch Heritage Festival and Christchurch Libraries.

(c) Write On and the young writers


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