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More than a person

This poem was highly commended in our recent Year 7-8 Matariki: Reach for the Stars Poetry competition. The winning poems will be published in Write On 56.

More than a person

by Gemma Buchanan, age 12

I am my own person, thoughts and feelings. But then, I am limitless, infinite. like space and time. My skin, face and figure don’t outline me. My words, intelligence, and wit, don’t define me. The train of thought in my head is too loud for that. The steam pouring out of the chimney, would fill the whole universe if I wanted it to.

Don’t you ever think that you can design me. I am not caged by mere bones, or your words. If the stars are not arranged for me, I shall stretch my hands up to the inky heavens and realign them myself. My life will be a comet, ripping a hole in the blanketed galaxy above.

This poem has been edited with permission of the poet.

(c) Write On and the poet 2021


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