This term our masterclasses take you writing across the curriculum with classes that delve into history, science, maths and geography!
We'll also take you to fabulous locations! Term 2 masterclasses are being held at The Print Shop at Ferrymead Historical Village ( pictured above), the RF Joyce Observatory, Kaiapoi Library and at our wonderful Tūranga in the heart of the city, as well as a virtual opportunity to explore Antarctica.
Gain new skills in writing poetry, podcasting, flash fiction, short story and genre-bending forms and get to meet other keen writers from around the region.
Our masterclass guest tutors are all amazing writers ready to inspire you!
For writers in Year 7 to Year 13
Read about all of the options here: https://www.schoolforyoungwriters.org/masterclasses
Be in quick to book using the website link.
Any queries to Melanie at : writeonmasterclass@gmail.com