For thirty years, Write On School for Young Writers has inspired young people to explore and articulate their challenges, ideas and imaginations through writing.
As we head into 2024 and our thirty-first year we already have 90 young writers enrolled for our Write On Saturdays. We offer in-person classes in Ōtautahi Christchurch for ages 7 to 18, and an online class for those ages 12 -18. There is still time to open an extra class — we are just waiting on a few more enrolments. Will it be you?
"What? Kids writing in their own time? On a Saturday morning? So what's Your secret?"
The next few blogs will explore some of the key ingredients of why we keep growing!
The SECRET is out -
we nurture an amazing writing community.

Each Saturday morning during term time, young writers gather under the guidance of an expert tutor. For two hours, from 10:00-12:00, they are supported through the process of generating and discussing ideas and celebrating each other's unique ways with words.
“It’s an amazing community because everyone is struggling down the same path and we are all helping each other.” L, age 15
Through writing and talking about writing, tamariki and rangatahi become empowered agents of change. They become more courageous when they are supported in conveying their feelings, ideas and imaginations.
“ As a writer, it’s really easy to feel you’re on the outside. I get stuck inside my own head a lot…and writing gives me an outlet to do that constructively. I’ve met so many similar people here and working with different tutors has been one of the most fantastic experiences I’ve ever had… I’m so grateful to be here.” S, age 16
Our young writers share strong bonds as they move through the classes together.
“The thing I remember most from my time at WRITE ON School for Young Writers is the friendships. I attended workshops for almost ten years, and in that time, I made some wonderful connections with other young writers, some of whom I still count among my friends today. As an adult, having a network of writer friends who inspire and influence each other is really important to me and I truly value the opportunity I had to develop similar connections when I was younger.” Amelia Kirkness, poet
Our young writers bound up the stairs and arrive with flushed cheeks and smiles on their faces. Young people who feel isolated in other settings find a place here among the creative, the quirky, the introverts, the writers!
“I get to see my friends and I can write to my heart’s desire.” P, age 8
“I’ve enjoyed having a set time to write every week. No matter how busy I get, I always get to write and share my writing with other people who want to be there.” D, age 15
“Every week, I get to spend time with like-minded people. School for Young Writers is a place where you can express yourself through both your writing and the discussion that follows, where there is no fear of judgement.” X, age 16
If you are interested in your young writer joining our writing community on Saturday mornings at Ara in Ōtautahi, or online, then please check out all the details on our website. Registration is open now for all terms in 2024. We recommend getting in before we start a waiting list!
Check out our other "secrets" in the next few blogs.
2. Our supportive and creative tutors know what writing is all about!
3. We allow young writers to explore their ideas, learn new skills and polish their gems with expert support.
4. We encourage young writers to reach a wider audience through publication in print, online, on-air, and in performances and competitions.
5. We focus on the proven relationship between writing and well-being.
(c) Write On 2024