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Voices for The Planet : Speculative Flash Fiction

Coming soon are ideas for biography/reports.

We invited our director, Heather McQuillan, to contribute a couple of ideas to inspire writing for the planet. Heather writes novels, short stories and flash fiction.

Speculative Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction tells a story in a small space. Your final piece should end up around 300 words although you may start with more.

Your speculative flash fiction will look into the future and introduce us to the possibilities.

Getting Started

Think of a current situation our planet and her inhabitants face and speculate about what may eventuate in the future. You may predict a fabulous outcome or veer towards the dystopian.

  • Select a character/s to connect us to this possible future

  • Show us the setting through your character's eyes and experience

  • Pick an event to bring focus to your story

  • Show us how the world is different. You won't need to provide any back story. In flash fiction you may provide clues but leave the reader to fill in the spaces.

  • Leave us thinking.

Here is a speculative flash I wrote a few years back after discovering that rivers I swam in as a child are now designated as unswimmable. I wondered what swimming experiences children in the future might have.

Also check out these speculative flash fiction stories.


Start Late. Don't start at the beginning of the story. Drop us right into your character's lived experience.

Magnify a key moment by using interesting language. Draw on your poetry skills.

Leave with a lingering thought. In flash fiction, the story does not need to be wrapped up. Look for where something has changed and leave us there.

Read it Aloud. Reading aloud is an essential part of the writing process. Check the flow and rhythm of your sentences.


Write a first draft of your Speculative Flash Story and enter now.

Entries until July 29th or until all places are full.

If you want to learn more about flash fiction check out this interview with the judge of the recent National Flash Fiction Day Youth Flash Fiction competition, Jack Remiel, and see the winning entries here: fingerscommatoes

(c) Write On School for Young Writers


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